Maintenance & Repairs

All building suffer from general wear and tear and need ongoing maintenance and repair.  As our climate is getting more extreme our structures have to weather more frequent and intense conditions – heat, rain, storms all impact the materials used in your building.  Living Spaces Carpentry is here to maintain your property in preparation for these events, or repair if something goes wrong.

Why Choose Living Spaces


Jason is a professional craftsman with a passion for working with wood & will transfer that passion into a high quality finish on any job. We pride ourselves on the excellence and attention to detail we apply to each project we undertake.


We know making changes and improvements to your property is a big move. We assist in making the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. We can draft your ideas and build what you need, or if in need of inspiration you can draw on our experience to provide excellent options and advice to create what you desire.


Indoors, outdoors, residential or commercial, we provide an efficient, professional team and excellent carpentry skills. We will have regular contact with you during the works. The site will be kept tidy and presentable throughout the course of the project.

We combine creativity, practicality and excellence to craft spaces you love to live in.

Client Testimonials

Service Area

Servicing Sydney, the Central Coast & Newcastle, Jason and his team provide excellent carpentry services to people from all walks of life.